Wilderness Beach


Location: Aguadilla

Getting there: From San Juan, drive 2 hours 15 minutes west to a remote beach down a dirt road in what was formerly a U.S. Air Force base. The condition of the road varies with the amount of recent rainfall. In general, most cars can make it. Stop when you reach a kind of parking lot with a bench. There will likely be cars there.

General Info: If you are looking for seriously big waves, come here in the winter. I’ve caught some good waves here but probably won’t come back after my last experience of getting tumbled and humbled. Enter right next to the entrance to the beach with rocks on either side. It is the only spot in the area for entry and exit.

Heads up: Most of the shoreline is rocky and it is not obvious where the best place to enter is. There may be more than one place to enter, I watched where others surfers were getting in and out and found a small sandy spot to the left of the wooden ramp that leads to the sand. 

  • Good waves in good conditions.
  • Rocky shoreline.
  • Strong current near the shore.
  • Big sets can sometimes form outside and get you stuck