Sand Caves

Location: Vega Baja/Morovis
Getting there: From San Juan, drive 45 minutes southwest to the border of the municipalities of Vega Baja and Morovis. Park here, on a nice couples’ property (Junior and Diana). It costs $5.00 per car. Park on the road closer to the trailhead at your own risk as theft is apparently a problem here. Walk down a steep street that levels out and then ends leading to the river. There are places to park here, but the road is extremely steep and I have heard that cars commonly cannot make it back up and need to be towed out. Unless you have a serious offroad vehicle that can tackle a very steep road, do not attempt it. Walk through the stream until it gets deep enough that you’ll need to swim, it will shortly bring you to a high ceilinged cave.
Things to do: Explore – Swim into the cave, there is a rock big enough for a few people to sit on. Continue to the end where the stream is flowing into the cavern. You can climb out and walk along and through the stream. There isn’t too much to see, but there are a few different places to relax in the water, as well as a large clay deposit you can dig into to rub on your skin. Cliff jump – There are multiple places to jump in the water. There is a way to climb up to the very top of the “cave” and jump off. You can also climb up into the upper section of the cave in a few different places and jump off into the middle of the cave, close to where the rock is on the bottom you can sit on. As always, depth test before you jump! Swim – If you bring goggles you can see some colorful goldfish and other interesting fish near the cave. I also saw a huge freshwater shrimp near the size of a lobster in the cave. Apparently there are some underwater caves and tunnels you can swim through.
Heads up: Always check the depth before jumping in the water, the water fluctuates. You need to try one of Diana’s limbers (the house where you park) they are amazing and only cost $1.00.