Puerto Hermina Beach

Puerto Hermina Beach, Quebradillas

Location: Quebradillas

Getting there: From San Juan, drive 1 hour 15 minutes west to Quebradillas. You’ll drive down a steep hill with a couple switchbacks which gives you a great view of the Atlantic Ocean. Drive along the beach and park on the right, to be closest to the beach, park at the end of the road. Follow the cement path to the sand.

What to look for: This is a popular spearfishing spot. There are a lot of good-size fish hiding in the cracks between rocks. There is no reef that I could find but you will see a good variety of fish. I saw a large school of massive tarpon, squid, and a couple fish I have not seen snorkeling anywhere else like the Glassy Sweeper and another I could not identify. I had to swim deep to see the most marine life. 

Heads up: You’ll appreciate having longer fins here as much of what I saw was located fairly deep. You’ll continue to see more as you swim along the rocky area parallel to the shore. The tide near the shore can be rather strong so be aware so as not to get dragged too far.

  • A variety of fish, including some fish I have not seen elsewhere.
  • A good spearfishing location.
  • The snorkeling is quite close to shore.
  • No reef, only rocks.