María Beach


Location: Rincón

Getting there: From San Juan, drive 2 hours west to the sleepy beach town of Rincón. You’ll park in a gravel lot not far from the lighthouse. A small wooden boardwalk leads to the sand.

General Info: This is one of the best surf spots in Puerto Rico and absolutely worth visiting. There were great rights and lefts when I went. I came here after I found a large crowd at Domes and was met with less than a dozen people surfing. There are multiple breaks so it never felt too crowded. The paddle out to the waves is further than Domes and can definitely be a shoulder-burner. Waves can get huge in the winter,

Heads up: Most of the shoreline is rocky and it is not obvious where the best place to enter is. There may be more than one place to enter, I watched where others surfers were getting in and out and found a small sandy spot to the left of the wooden ramp that leads to the sand. 

  • Amazing surfing.
  • Some natural shade.
  • Rocky shoreline.
  • The break is far out from shore.