Los Tubos Beach


Location: Manatí

Getting there: From San Juan, drive 40 minutes west to Manatí. You can park along the road close to the ocean in many small turnouts. The area where most people go is near a boat ramp on the eastern side of the beach. There is a parking lot here. Much of the shoreline is rocky but if you look around you’ll see sandy spots.

What to look for: Near the boat ramp there is fresh water flowing into the ocean which makes the top layer hazy where the fresh and salt waters mix. There are some smaller fish to see in this area. There is not much to see snorkeling. There is a few rings you can swim through where scuba divers practice further out to sea. I also saw a giant barracuda. 

Heads up: The surf close to shore can be rough and it can drag you into and onto rocks if you aren’t careful. This beach is best visited in the summer when the surf is mellow.

  • The visibility can be great in the right conditions.
  • There are apparently lobsters here and I have seen people diving for them.
  • Conditions at the beach vary greatly by season.
  • Not much to see while snorkeling.