Inches Beach


Location: Patillas

Getting there: From San Juan, drive 1 hour 15 minutes south to Patillas on the south coast. Parking is scarce. You’ll park on the side of the road closest to the water right in front of the pebble beach.

General Info: I love surfing here. The waves here are always small but clean. 2-3 feet is as big as I have seen it. The paddle back out is smooth and easy. There are usually two waves, one close to the coral and one a little further from it but nearby. The latter breaking less frequently. Because the area to surf is so small, a dozen people can feel like a crowd. There are always local boogies and paddleboarders mixing it up with kooks like me.

Heads up: The reef is very shallow under where you surf. The depth changes considerably during high and low tide but you can surf during both. I have yet to escape without a scratch from the coral.

  • An easy paddle.
  • Smooth, long waves.
  • Shallow reef.
  • When the waves aren’t small, they’re nonexistent.